23 Nov

I am a Course Director and Assistant Professor in the Higher Education sector and deliver learning in a range of business-related subjects.  Students are the main reason I go to work each morning, and there can be no better reward than watching our learners go out into the world to make it a better place.

Education helped lift me out of poverty and I believe could hold the answer to truly levelling up our area.  I was not only the first person in my family to go to university, but my community. Whilst I am grateful to a great Labour government for helping me achieve a university qualification, for folk who don’t live in a university town, we have a limited choice of degrees. 

One of the positives to come out of the pandemic is the excellent virtual and hybrid delivery of learning that some of our university staff embraced.  Our young people should be given the choice for on-campus, hybrid or virtual and this should be fully funded.   

Education, Education, Education. Choice, Choice, Choice.

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